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Give Us a Call
You can call us on +32(0)456 71 35 32 for any questions. Or just leave a message on the voicemail and we ill contact you asap back.
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We replay very fast on the emails, just send us one at info@beenbee.be
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How far is The BEE n BEE from Bruges historic center?
You can take the bus just around the corner, a 10 min ride to station of Bruges. A walk to the center of bruges takes 30 min. Or just order a taxi an you are there in a few minutes.
Can I park my car?
Yes, we have a free parking area in front of the house. Each guest has a one parking space.
Do you serve breakfast?
If you wish to book breakfast, just let us know the evening before (before 8pm) and we will prepare the breakfast box. The breakfast box will then be ready in the breakfast room from 7am. You can choose to eat it there or in your room. There is coffee and tea in the room. Other drinks are available in the honesty bar.
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